using commands like this:
wget -O result.txt '<Query virtualSchemaName="default" formatter="TSV" header="0" uniqueRows="0" count="" datasetConfigVersion="0.6"><Dataset name="hsapiens_gene_ensembl" interface="default"><Filter name="ensembl_gene_id" value="ENSG00000139618"/><Attribute name="ensembl_gene_id"/><Attribute name="ensembl_transcript_id"/><Attribute name="hgnc_symbol"/><Attribute name="uniprotswissprot"/></Dataset></Query>'
I can easily download data from, but when I try to use the same commands for I just go to
How can I solve my problem?
Mike and Astrid, thanks to your helps I found my mistakes:
This is my wrong command:
First mistake: I forgot to remove 'www.' from my url
2nd mistake: '/martview' will be removed
So this is the example correct command to get aegilops tauschii gene IDs from