I have one .vcf file of whole genome sequencing of tumour Vs normal samples of 21 patients.
I need a data from like this as input for a tool for finding driver genes
> head(mutations)
sampleID chr pos ref mut
1 Sample_1 1 871244 G C
2 Sample_1 1 6648841 C G
3 Sample_1 1 17557072 G A
4 Sample_1 1 22838492 G C
5 Sample_1 1 27097733 G A
6 Sample_1 1 27333206 G A
In separated .vcf files for each patient I have start, end, chromosome, ref, and variant allele. However I am sure how to get such data frame from this big vcf
Any help please?
Thank you
This is a basic question, please invest some time to read through
manuals. Or if you choose to stay inR
, then read about vcfR package.Thank you I also tried vcfR
bcftools query plugin and snpsift plugin in galaxy also do that