Hi - I've been trying to use BioPython to automate some research I've been doing, and while I've been able to get the NCBIWWW module to download XML files for the queries I'm sending it, I'm not getting all the information I need. Specifically, I need the GenPept information (e.g. taxonomy of the organisms the query found) relating to each match. I can't find any way in the documentation to do this, though, so I'm turning to you for help. Can this be done?
Thanks for the help!
I am not sure if this will help. but here is a post that might be relevant: http://www.mailinglistarchive.com/html/biopython@biopython.org/2010-11/msg00008.html
That's actually from the same project as what I'm on - it relates more to processing the GenPept files once we've got them. I'm trying to get them to download automatically in the first place. Thanks, though.