I don't know the exact software used to create that image but you can reproduce it using karyoploteR.
![reproduction of the DMR plot using karyoploteR](https://i.ibb.co/Qj500KT/DMR.png)
Here's the code. We start creating random regions on the genome with regioneR's createRandomRegions
function. We the create the plot, using plot.type=6 with no ideograms. After that we use kpAbline
to plot the horizontal black lines and kpPlotRegions to plot the DMR regions in two colors. In total, 6 lines of code + 1 for the legend.
In the karyoploteR tutorial page you can find much more information, including how to add many other data types and how to customize the plot style.
#Create random regione with regioneR's createRandomRegions
up.dmr <- createRandomRegions(nregions = 40, length.mean = 2e6)
down.dmr <- createRandomRegions(nregions = 40, length.mean = 2e6)
#Initialize the plot
kp <- plotKaryotype(plot.type = 6, ideogram.plotter = NULL)
#Create the black lines
kpAbline(kp, h=0.5)
#And plot the up and down DMR regions
kpPlotRegions(kp, data=up.dmr, col = "red")
kpPlotRegions(kp, data=down.dmr, col="green")
#Add a legend
legend(x="bottomright", legend = c("Hypermethylated", "Hipomethylated"), fill=c("red", "green"))
As an option, if you want to have a clearer idea of the position of the regions, you can leave the cytoband plotting active removing ideogram.plotter=NULL
and add a white semi-transparent rectangle covering the cytobands to dim them a bit so our data pops. In addition, setting r0
and r1
so to 0.2 and 0.8, so the data only spans 60% of the vertical space makes the plot a bit more appealing.
#Initialize the plot
kp <- plotKaryotype(plot.type = 6, cex=2)
kpDataBackground(kp, col="#FFFFFFAA")
#And plot the up and down DMR regions
kpPlotRegions(kp, data=up.dmr, col = "red", r0=0.2, r1=0.8)
kpPlotRegions(kp, data=down.dmr, col="green", r0=0.2, r1=0.8)
#Add a legend
legend(x="bottomright", legend = c("Hypermethylated", "Hypomethylated"), fill=c("red", "green"), cex=2)
And this is the result
![enter image description here](https://i.ibb.co/TwYZPq1/DMR2.png)
You should be able to right click the image, copy address and insert it using the image button:![description of image](https://i.postimg.cc/gJ7vztXC/Screenshot-from-2019-02-15-20-41-50.png)
and in text it should show up as: