After extracting the primary structure of a multi-chain protein from its PDB file cannot find a way to display it in FASTA format?? If the pdb text file has only one chain is pretty easy to put all the info in a here document and print staff on the screen as well as storing the same output in file.
However if you have more than one chain in the pdb file I can get the desired chains with each chain letter and length of each chain as well and print the info on the screen while iterating with a loop to get each chain. How do I send this output in a file that I wanna create?? with one chain u simply do:
my $fasta =<<FASTA;
>$id|$title|$chain_length aa
print $fasta;
How you do that when you have multiple chain and you need to display one chain at a time in a fasta format??????
Why did you (only) tag this question 'bioperl'? Do you want to use Bioperl to solve the problem? There is no mention of it in your question.
Also, I reformatted your code, but it does not make much sense. Perhaps you could edit it to show what you are trying to achieve. Lines with code need 4 leading spaces and blank lines top and bottom.