Hi everyone,
Does anyone know how to get the SNP information containing CHR ID A1 REF etc with association test on quantitative trait from plink (output file: .qassoc). I done the association test and I want to obtain these information also. In --linear with plink2, I have it, but with plink1.9 association with quantitative trait, I don't have that information (--assoc in plink1.9 runs a lot faster than --linear in plink2 without covariates while --linear with in plink2 gives me memory error:
Error: Out of memory. The --memory flag may be helpful).
I understand that I can use the .bim file, but having integrated information would be very helpful.
Your help is really appreciated!
Thanks for your prompt reply,
Here is the code and output of plink1.9:
Here is the code and output with plink2:
Hmm, that's a bug, it isn't actually running out of memory, instead some other error is occurring that's getting misreported as "out of memory". Trying to replicate this now.
Update: Replicated the crash, will post a bugfix tonight.
Thank you so much, Chang.