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5.8 years ago
Hello everyone,
I have a genome with 4.3 GB size. I have run local blast for it. Now I want to fetch the sequence from the genome like from 700000 bps to 800000 bps. I don't have any information regarding chromosome coordinates or chromosome number etc. because it is a non-redundant data. I have tried to make bed file but it is also not working. I am a beginner. Please help me.
Thank you in advance.
Hello and welcome to biostars zunera ,
Please show us more details about what you have tried and what is "not working".
Two common ways to receive a region of interest are bedtools getfasta:
and samtools faidx:
Thank you for you reply.
I was using the wrong command for bedtools. The above command worked for me.
Secondly, the bed file was not in tab delimated format. So I used awk command to convert it into tab delimated format and the issue is resolved.