I'm trying to assess my genome completeness and possible contamination with busco. Is it possible to run it several files at the same time ? Is it also possible not to use a reference species when orfing with augustus while running BUSCO ? I am trying to find an equivalent to checkm but for eukaryotes. It seems less feasible but I would like to know if you had any suggestions.
Thank you very much, Cheers,
Thank you for your answer. I think the default parameter is the fruit fly. Can I avoid orfing by augustus somehow ?
I do not think you can skip Augustus.
The default parameter depends on the lineage you choose (cf the table on page 14 of the user guide). https://gitlab.com/ezlab/busco/raw/master/BUSCO_v3_userguide.pdf
If your species is not in Augustus' list, you can choose a closely related species and it should still give you informative results.