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5.8 years ago
Hello, I have a problem where when using picard markduplicates i get the error: 'Value was put into PairInfoMap more than once' I grep out the read causing the issue because it (for some reason) has a duplicate readNAME. I rerun picard markduplicates and still get the error 'Value was put into PairInfoMap more than once'. This time however, it is because of a different duplicate read name.
I have analysed countless paired end data and never encounter this problem before.
My question: Is there a way to get a list of ALL the duplicated readnames so i can filter them all out?
Bw, Ian.
Hello garnerim1988 ,
have you tried the things mentioned in Markduplicates: Value Was Put Into Pairinfomap More Than Once ?
Or here: https://gatkforums.broadinstitute.org/gatk/discussion/10115/picard-markdup-error-value-was-put-into-pairinfomap-more-than-once
fin swimmer
I'll add this one
Hi fin swimmer, thank you for your reply. Both links I have previously read but i will go through them more thoroughly again. I did triplicates of ATAC-seq across a bunch of cell lines and for some i have no problems and others i do which is what is so frustrating.
filter your BAM files to contain only primary alignments - perhaps having the read reported with multiple alignments is the source of the problem.
Have done this, still has the same Error.