I have indexed my bam files as:
> samtools index -b file.bam
I get as a result a file.bam.bai. But when I try to convert it to BigWig with bamCoverage as:
> bamCoverage -b file.bam.bai -o file.bw
I get the following error:
[E::hts_hopen] fail to open file 'file.bam.bai'
[E::hts_open_format] fail to open file 'file.bam.bai'
The file file.bam.bai does not have BAM format
The error persists if I change the file name to file.bam.bai.
I checked with samtools flagstat, and I get the same error
> samtools flagstat file.bam.bai
[E::hts_hopen] fail to open file 'file.bam.bai'
[E::hts_open_format] fail to open file 'file.bam.bai'
samtools flagstat: Cannot open input file "file.bam.bai": Exec format error
If I dont index the bam file bamCoverage tells me i MUST index it first...
I think I have done this before without any problems and I dont understand why am I getting this error. Could it be that the files are corrupted? Any help is well appreciated!
Wow, that was simple! Thank you so much! :)
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I run the command line "bamCoverage -b reads.bam -o coverage.bw" in order to convert bam RNA-seq data to .bw files and I get error "command not found". Please advise what is wrong there. Thank you
Hi, it seems like you don't have deeptools installed. Try,
If this doesn't show you the help page, follow the deeptools installation instructions