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5.8 years ago
Hi I have two vcf files from different sets of individuals
1.vcf file is genotype data and 2.vcf files is wgs data
when I run
QTLtools pca --vcf 1.vcf --scale --center --maf 0.05 --distance 50000 --out 1.genotypes.output
QTLtools pca --vcf 2.vcf --scale --center --maf 0.05 --distance 50000 --out 2.genotypes.output
separately on each file I am able get pcas but when I run QTLtools pca on merged vcf file. I dont get any pcs. I get this message. Can anyone help me with this?
bcftools merge 1.vcf 2.vcf > 1.2.vcf
QTLtools pca --vcf 1.2.vcf --scale --center --maf 0.05 --distance 50000 --out 1.2.genotypes.output
Reading genotype data in [test.vcf.gz]
* File format detected: VCF
* Read 100000 lines
* 0 variants included
* 126480 variants excluded by user
EXITED: Cannot find genotypes in target region!