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6.0 years ago
I want to convert my vcf file (VarScan output) to maf file to generate some publication-quality images using maftools (R package). Based on the instruction of vcf2maf tools here, I installed VEP. But when I ran this command:
perl vcf2maf.pl --ref-fasta /home/raheleh/.vep/homo_sapiens/86_GRCh38/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz --input-vcf HROC.vcf --output-maf tests/test_varscan.vep.maf --tumor-id WD1309 --normal-id NB1308 --vcf-tumor-id TUMOR --vcf-normal-id NORMAL
I get this error:
ERROR: Provided --filter-vcf is missing or empty: /home/raheleh/.vep/ExAC_nonTCGA.r0.3.1.sites.vep.vcf.gz
Then I ran this command:
curl -L ftp://ftp.broadinstitute.org:/pub/ExAC_release/release0.3.1/subsets/ExAC_nonTCGA.r0.3.1.sites.vep.vcf.gz > $VEP_DATA/ExAC_nonTCGA.r0.3.1.sites.vep.vcf.gz
But I got this:
bash: /ExAC_nonTCGA.r0.3.1.sites.vep.vcf.gz: Permission denied
Can anyone help me how to fix it? Thank you!
For the second error, it seems the variable
is empty or non-defined, so you are trying to write a file to the root of the filesystem, which you, as a regular user, doesn't have permission to do. Define it with:@h.mon Thank you. I defined it with
export VEP_DATA=/path/to/vep/data
but now the error changed to this:can you please help me?
You have to use the actual path to VEP data - the one you used when installing VEP - not "/path/to/vep/data/".
What h.mon means is that, if you have VEP installed at
, then you should use, for example:So, where have you installed VEP?
Oh, yeah. I did exactly as it is said here , so I think the path must be this
export VEP_DATA=$HOME/.vep
, right?when I open terminal in the folder that I installed VEP, it shows this path: ~/vep
Is there any other ways to convert vcf to maf?
I honestly would not bother to use MAF - the format never became popular. If you have a VCF, use
bcftools query
to nicely output the data that you then later want to use in R.@Kevin Blighe I ran this command
to produce a plot of my CNV file but I got this error:
The sample "tumor_rmdup.bam" not found
The sample exist in the same directory as others. What's the problem? please help me out. Thank you!
Could you please also provide me with the command that you used to get a good output to be used in R? which R package can be used to visualize VCFs and CNVs? I really appreciate any help.
I have not used
bcftools cnv
, however, I believe-s
parameter is looking for a sample name from within your VCF file.