In a cell, proteins function in different space and time through interacting with different partners. Intuitively visualizing the active PPI subnetworks in specific space or time can help researchers discover key proteins for further study. We developed PPIExp, a web-based platform for integrating expression profile data (such as spatiotemporal proteomics data) and PPI data. It focuses on using protein abundances to model the activities of protein interactions. In specific time or space, the interactions whose target protein and source protein are up-regulated are assumed to be active while those are down-regulated are assumed to be inactive. PPIExp provides extensive interactive operations to help researchers extract biological knowledge from expression profile data and PPI data.
Operations to visualize active PPI subnetworks
Operations to visualize the expression of the proteins in the network and highlight co-expressed proteins in the network map
Operations to highlight proteins in an annotation term or proteins user-defined
With PPIExp, users can integrate expression profile data and ppis data, and then generate hypothesis for further study.
Website: http://www.fgvis.com/expressvis/PPIExp
Tutorial: http://www.fgvis.com/expressvis/tutorial
Citation: https://pubs.acs.org.ccindex.cn/doi/10.1021/acs.jproteome.8b00713