Hello everyone, I've been unprofessional with data for some time. There's a problem stopped me of how to normalized the peaks of IP/input in eclip-seq.
I have a little experience in ChIP-seq, which normalized the peaks of IP/input using poisson's distribution on the level of genome region level, such as MACS2 with 1kb or more.
For eclip, what of my thinking is that it's similar to RNA-seq in gene or transcirpt level or other genome element such as exon. Peaks of transcript or gene in eclip-seq is actually similar to expression or counts of RNA-seq.
That's just my hypothesis but I hadn't find the same materials from literature or google.
Cound I ?
Thank you all.
It seems be okay to do so validated by viewing the peaks directly by IGV. Still there may some false positive result exsits, but I think it's okay.