Hi. I am trying to install and run STAR-fusion in Ubuntu. I got STAR version 2.7.0d installed but when i try to run STAR-fusion(version 1.5.0) it returns this problem :
ERROR Sorry, version [2.7.0d] is not supported. Please use at least STAR version 2.6.1
I also installed STAR version 2.6.1d just to see if it would make a difference but it didn't. Same error. I installed all other dependencies that STAR-fusion requires.
According to this Tweet rather use conda create -n star-fusion -c bioconda star-fusion and activate the environment each time you want to run star-fusion.
You're right. With the standard conda install, you'll get STAR 2.7 installed.
If your remove the environment (conda remove -n star-fusion --all) and re-install it with conda create -n star-fusion -c bioconda star-fusion star=2.6.1, you'll be able to run star fusion:
it made a difference..it worked for a long time till reported other error. I searched inside the genome resource library foder and i cant find that file(that reports the error) : "ref_annot.gtf" , but there are : "ref_annot.gtf.gene_spans" , "ref_annot.gtf.mini.sortu" .
By the way this is the plug n play resource lib from https://data.broadinstitute.org/Trinity/CTAT_RESOURCE_LIB/
Error, cannot locate reference annotation file: /media/app/New_Volume/jim/reference/Star-Fusion_genome_resource_lib/hg38/GRCh38_v27_CTAT_lib_Feb092018/ctat_genome_lib_build_dir/ref_annot.gtf at /home/app/anaconda3/lib/STAR-Fusion/util/STAR-Fusion.map_chimeric_reads_to_genes line 67.
Error, cmd: /home/app/anaconda3/lib/STAR-Fusion/util/STAR-Fusion.map_chimeric_reads_to_genes --genome_lib_dir /media/app/New_Volume/jim/reference/Star-Fusion_genome_resource_lib/hg38/GRCh38_v27_CTAT_lib_Feb092018/ctat_genome_lib_build_dir -J Chimeric.out.junction > /home/app/Desktop/GlentisRNASeq/top_dir/STAR-Fusion_outdir//star-fusion.preliminary/star-fusion.junction_breakpts_to_genes.txt died with ret 512 No such file or directory at /home/app/anaconda3/lib/STAR-Fusion/PerlLib/Pipeliner.pm line 181.
Pipeliner::run(Pipeliner=HASH(0x55ac64617e40)) called at /home/app/anaconda3/lib/STAR-Fusion/STAR-Fusion line 676
I think the hg38 version plug n play is corrupt(or maybe my downloaded file was corrupt). With hg19 plug n play STAR-Fusion worked. Also at the end it reports : * STAR-Fusion complete. See output: star-fusion.fusion_candidates.tsv (or .abridged.tsv version) , i am guessing thats the : star-fusion.fusion_predictions.tsv ? Because there is no "star-fusion.fusion_candidates.tsv" . There are only "star-fusion.fusion_candidates.preliminary" and variations of that file in star-fusion.preliminary folder. Thanks
According to this Tweet rather use
conda create -n star-fusion -c bioconda star-fusion
and activate the environment each time you want to run star-fusion.thanks a lot. I installed it like you said. But when i type :
nothing happens. I also tried after activating enviroment :
but still nothing