Hi everyone,
I generated k-mers of a certain region of my genome of interest using Jellyfish software. Next I extracted certain k-mers from the dump.fa out put file. Now I need to assemble these k-mers into contigs. I read the documentation of MaSuRCA. It need to input files (ex: R1.fa and R2.fa). I only have a single file containing the k-mers I wish to assemble. Can someone please tell me is there a way I can use MaSuRCA using a single input file or are there other assembler I can use to assemble my list of k-mers.
Thank you very much for the clarification. I am new for this kind of analysis. I thought I should assemble the k-mers but now I understand that I need to find the corresponding reads. I highly appreciate if you can you please tell me how to go back to my data and find the corresponding reads.
Frankly speaking, I don't understand the purpose of what you do. You have the sequence of a genome, you split it into k-mers, and then assemble these k-mers to produce contigs of this genome. What for, if you already have the sequence of this genome? Could you explain the purpose of your analysis?
I am sorry for the confusion. I extracted the k-mers which are common among my genome of interest and several other genomes from closely related species. I am going to do a introgression study.