I need to make a recommendation to people working in a wet-lab looking for an easy to use tool that does GO term enrichment determination. For those unfamiliar with the concept it means that given a list of gene names they want to find out which gene ontology terms are present in numbers that are above random chance.
There is a huge list here yet a random sampling of the tools mentioned there has lead me to many non-working sites. Other tools seem out of date or just not reliable.
What tool do you use to solve this problem?
This 2016 pre-print paper assess the impact of using obsolete Gene Enrichment tools (e.g. DAVID not being updated for years) in the current literature: http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2016/04/19/049288
The list was updated again to this link
Your link to the list of geneOntology-related tools is perhaps not the best given your problem, perhaps this one is more related: http://www.geneontology.org/GO.tools.shtml#statistical