chr1 10 20 name 0 +
chr1 12 14 2.5
chr1 14 15 0.5
How could i extract average scores of file1 using file2, like below? I am trying to extract phastcons (file2) average scores of file1.
chr1 10 20 name 0 + 1.5
chr1 10 20 name 0 +
chr1 12 14 2.5
chr1 14 15 0.5
How could i extract average scores of file1 using file2, like below? I am trying to extract phastcons (file2) average scores of file1.
chr1 10 20 name 0 + 1.5
The bedtools map
function does this. Note that it requires both files to be position-sorted (e.g., sort -k1,1 -k2,2n
). To calculate the mean of the 4th (score) column of the file2, you'd use:
$ bedtools map -a file1.sorted.bed -b file2.sorted.bedg -c 4 -o mean
chr1 10 20 name 0 + 1.5
There are other operations besides mean (snippet from bedtools map -h
-o Specify the operation that should be applied to -c.
Valid operations:
sum, min, max,
mean, median,
collapse (i.e., print a comma separated list (duplicates allowed)),
distinct (i.e., print a comma separated list (NO duplicates allowed)),
count_distinct (i.e., a count of the unique values in the column),
- Default: sum
Another way to do this is with BEDOPS bedmap
, but first, we need to add IDs to file2
to make it a "true" BED file — that is, scores/signals should be in the fifth column, as per UCSC specification.
One way to do this is with awk
, for example:
$ awk 'BEGIN{id=0} {print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\tid-"id"\t"$4; id++;}' file2 > file2_with_ids.bed
Also, make sure your inputs are sorted, e.g. with the sort-bed
$ sort-bed file1 > file1_sorted.bed
$ sort-bed file2_with_ids.bed > file2_with_ids_sorted.bed
Then we apply bedmap
with the --mean
$ bedmap --echo --mean --delim "\t" --prec 1 file1_sorted.bed file2_with_ids_sorted.bed > answer.bed
We use the --echo
operator to first print the reference element from file1_sorted.bed
, adding --mean
to print the mean score of mapped elements from file2_with_ids_sorted.bed
, which overlap the reference element from file1.bed
by one or more bases.
We then use the --delim "\t"
setting so that the delimiter between reference element and mean score is a tab character. The --prec 1
option specifies the precision of the mean signal to one decimal place.
Results are sent to the file answer.bed
, which is (thanks to the tab delimiter) just another BED file:
$ more answer.bed
chr1 10 20 name 0 + 1.5
Other numerical and ID-based operators are available to bedmap
, e.g. --median
, --stdev
, etc. as well as custom overlap criteria. Refer to the documentation for more details and sample calculations.
1) convert file2 into bigWig format, using 'wigToBigWig'.
wigToBigWig file2 chrom.sizes
2) use 'bigWigSummary' file1 and
bigWigSummary -type=mean chr1 10 20 1 > output
Programs can be obtained from HERE.
You will need to write a script to automatically read multiple entries from file1 into 'bigWigSummary'.
There are so many issues in the methods suggested above. A. different regions have different lengths. B. you don't know whether the "score" of inputs are already average scores of the region or the sum C. empty regions handling
I'd suggest converting the bedgraph files into bigWigs and then using DeepTools' multibigwigsummary:
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A related question: in the example above, the value reported by bedtools map is not actually the mean across the region interrogated. In other words, it doesn't take into account the interval from the bedgraph file, while I would like to get the mean per nucleotide. Here, from position 10 to 19 on chr1, the mean per nucleotide should be (2X2.5 + 1X1.5 + 7X0)/10 = 0.65 Is there a way to calculate mean this way using bedtools map? Thanks!
- see Alex's post below - but with the--wmean
operator. That will weight each score in the bedgraph file by the length of the interval.+1 Even though I have answered your question I would go with bedtools! I didn't realise it had this functionality.
Is it possible to print the output to a file? Standard shell scripting commands returns an empty file.