Is there a way to conveniently calculate/derive the inner mate distance between paired-end reads in a bam file? I want the distance from the right most end of the left read to the left most end of the right read and I want this for all the paired reads that map in the bam file.
bamPEFragmentSize gives out a summary for all the reads in the bam file. However, I want to get the inner mate distance for each read pair as opposed to the expected inner mate distance based on the summary. Is there a way to achieve this?
It's actually particularly hard, because depending on the arrangement of the reads you might not have all the information required from a single alignment (you need to know the sequence of the mate, PSEQ, or even better the CIGAR string of the mate, PCIGAR, both of which don't exist in BAM). Funnily enough, this was the question the prompted me asking if there was a file format that had 1 row per sequenced DNA fragment, because for such a file format this question would be trivial to answer. It's only because BAM deals with alignment rather than fragments it's tricky. However, there is always 1 alignment in the pair that will let you calculate it:
Here you're looking for RI and MI (Read Inner, Mate Inner), so you can subtract the two to get the insert size. Can you use pysam? If so, the code need to do this would be easy enough. You just have to write a rule that targets the read types where you can calculate the RI/MI, and ignore the corresponding read type. And ignore secondary alignments.
I am going to try write a pysam script to do this. Thanks for the helpful input.
Is there any way in samtools to do this?
Probably not.