Hello, everyone
Recently, I have sequenced one specie genome and annotated its proteins, the divergence time analysis (Beast 2) based on the 356 single copy genes showed that our nonphotosynthetic specie , other nonphotosynthetic species and the photosynthetic specie have a common non-photosynthetic ancestor, and our sequenced specie was a sister group to a well-supported monophyletic clade that included the nonphotosynthetic species (A and B ) as well as the photosynthetic species (C and D) , the outgroup of the divergence time tree is a nonphotosynthetic species (E).
Can I make a conclusion that 1) all the species (nonphotosynthetic species and photosynthetic species) have a common nonphotosynthetic ancestor? 2) photosynthetic species (C and D) acquired a photosynthetic pathway or in the evolutionary process ?
If not, what analysis should be conducted to evaluate the our specie lost or gain the chloroplast?
Thanks for your kindly answer.
Figure Legends:
Divergence time estimates for 8 species. Estimation analysis was conducted by BEAST2 using normal strict molecular clock analyses of 356 single-copy genes. The MCMC chain length was set to 10,000,000, and other parameters were set to default values.Fossil calibration times were obtained from the TimeTree database.
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Thanks for your good suggestions.