I have recount2 data from breast TCGA RNA-seq. The recount2 data file IDs are TCGA legacy UUIDs. Upon converting these legacy UUIDs to harmonized UUIDs, there are 5 duplicate aliquot UUIDs and aliquot barcodes (after exclusion of FFPE samples).
for example: legacy UUID > harmonized aliquot UUID > aliquot barcode
a907f2d1-92ad-4a1b-b439-20e5a7347d5b > 2a4747b5-1eeb-45b1-9e92-0e0e3d7a9c1b > TCGA-A7-A26F-01A-21R-A169-07
eb068925-2dcc-4e18-838f-903ac8d2b661 > 2a4747b5-1eeb-45b1-9e92-0e0e3d7a9c1b > TCGA-A7-A26F-01A-21R-A169-07
These 5 duplicate harmonized UUIDs have different FASTQ files and count data from the legacy archive. Does anybody have any recommendations on how to handle these, and why the same aliquot may have been analyzed twice?