Dear All,
I am gearing up for a genome annotation run using MAKER. It is suggested to use a repeat library when running MAKER and as such I am trying to set up RepeatModeler to do so. RepeatModeler relies on program (among several others) called nseg for which I cannot find any documentation. When I try to compile this program with make
on OSX I get a slew of warnings and errors. I have no experience in C and can't find any more information so I'm at a loss.
Can anyone recommend alternative software for repeat identification? Please pull me out of this dependency hell!
Did you try to install RepeatModeller using conda?
Apparently the conda package doesn't work? From RepeatModeler github:
"WARNING: There is a bioconda and a docker package floating around proporting to have a functional RepeatModeler package. Neither work correctly. For the time being we recommend installing this program as described below."
Did you try installing with Homebrew?
I fixed it, so using a repeatmodeler-1.0.11 build pl526_2 and above should be fine now.
I am facing the same problem, did you managed to solve this ?