I downloaded a ChIP-seq dataset from ENCODE (ENCFF615OUG.bam) and made an indexed bam file of it (ENCFF615OUG.bai), then extracted the chromosome 22 sequence (chr22.bam) using samtools view
samtools view -b ENCFF615OUG.bam chr22 > chr22.bam
I need to get FPKM values for genes in chr22, so I tried running CUFFLINKS using the GTF file for chromosome 22 from UCSC table browser
cufflinks -G grch38-chr22.gtf chr22.bam
However when I run this command it outputs the following
[10:28:21] Loading reference annotation.
Warning: invalid start coordinate at line:
666 ENST00000615943.1 chr22 - 10736170 10736283 10736170 10736170 110736170, 10736283, 0 U2 none none -1,
Warning: invalid start coordinate at line:
668 ENST00000618365.1 chr22 - 10936022 10936161 10936022 10936022 110936022, 10936161, 0 CU459211.1 none none -1,
Warning: invalid start coordinate at line:
669 ENST00000623473.1 chr22 - 11065973 11067346 11065973 11067346 211065973,11067334, 11066015,11067346, 0 CU104787.1 incmpl incmpl 0,0,
Error parsing strand (1) from GFF line:
669 ENST00000624155.1 chr22 + 11066500 11068089 11066500 11068089 211066500,11067984, 11066515,11068089, 0 BAGE5 cmpl cmpl 0,0,
I'm not sure what causes these errors. I downloaded the gtf file right from UCSC Table so I'm not sure what to do to fix this error. Any ideas?
Can you show reads aligned from your bam ?