Hi, is there a VIM file/script out there that would highlight a multiple sequence alignment appropriately, like in clustalx? I think it would be nice to quickly open an alignment on the command line and view it.
Hi, is there a VIM file/script out there that would highlight a multiple sequence alignment appropriately, like in clustalx? I think it would be nice to quickly open an alignment on the command line and view it.
I found this but did not try it :
Vim Alignment highlighting. Vim highlighting files for DNA sequence alignments :
SCREENSHOT and download
The read me file says :
README: Vim Align syntax
Version: 2009-10-15
By: Johan Nylander
Contact: jnylander @ users.sourceforge.net
Installation: 1. Put the align.vim in your ~/.vim/syntax folder 2. To set the filetype to align do :set filetype=align :syntax enable
Hope it will help !
I know you are asking for a VIM solution, but you may want to look into the EMACS based RALEE command line alignment editor.
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Beautiful, thank you