Hi there,
I have been trying out different programs to analyze amplicons sequenced by an Illumina MiSeq. Originally I gave AmpliSAS a try, and the program seems to eliminate too many MHC alleles from each individual, and only allows uploads of 500mb files.
I thought mothur may be a good program to cluster my reads, do quality control, and assign my alleles as OTUs, which wouldn't be a problem, but I ran into trouble with that too as their SOP is designed for microbiome data, and I just can't get it to work for my data.
So, does anyone know of any program that would work with amplicons by merging paired-end files, trim the oligos (barcodes were trimmed by my genomics center already), do a quality control check, and then assign the amplicons to each individual?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
I would recommend
, but you seem to have discarded the idea.Maybe this will help. Here is a README for using an older version of
that I used to do part of a MHC analysis for a bird species. I say part because we had a bad 454 run and didn't really have hundreds of reads to support each allele. Let me know if it is useful.https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jelber2/sosp_mhc/master/README.md
I see that your files were SOSP MHC -- that is what I did for my PhD. Neat.
Interesting. Are those data (your SOSP MHC) published? It might make for an interesting comparison when we eventually try to publish ours.