Hi all,
I'm interested in getting an M value for each cpg from an Illumina 450k array, but the data was deposited in unmethylated and methylated signal in this GEO (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE53840), is there a simple method to create the M values from this matrix, or would I have to manually input the equation into R and do sapply? In which case, it would be log2((methylated +1)/(unmethylated+1))
from pan du et al. 2016? Thanks for helping a noob out!
SAMPLE1 Unmethylated Signal
SAMPLE1 Methylated Signal
cg00035864 4327 863
cg00050873 640 11173
cg00061679 981 2215
cg00063477 299 4303
cg00121626 3382 6491
cg00212031 3721 405
cg00213748 391 1558
cg00214611 4018 219
cg00223952 7333 584
cg00243321 5591 13
I saw this equation for the Beta in many places, but when I try to calculate it myself in a file where the Beta has already been calculated I don't get the same answer. I'm also not sure what the max is for (because I only have one signal score for each probe). For example: For a probe where Signal A is 9769 and Signal B is 515 I calculate 9769/(9769+515+100) I get 0.9407743. But in the file they have the Avg_Beta as 0.04960. The signals come from a file in GEO -- GSE38608_methylated_unmethylated_signals.txt.gz What am I doing wrong? Am I supposed to calculate this from a different file? Thanks in advance, Avital