Hello everyone, I want to count reads from RNAseq using salmon tool, probably because I'm not a bioinformatician (I'm trying hard to be..) but reading the guideline of salmon I'm not able to make it working. I was taught first to create an index which i did it by downloading the transcriptome and generate an index by this command line.
salmon index -t gencode.v29.transcripts.fa.gz -i gencode_v29_idx
Ideally I shoud quantify with gencode_v29_idx as salmon index but in the gencode_v29_idx folder there are banches of files which is not clear to me which file I shuould add to where.. On the manual it says to run this command line
salmon quant -i transcripts_index -l <LIBTYPE> -1 reads1.fq -2 reads2.fq -o˓→transcripts_quant
plus studying on the web I endeded up with this command line, I used the file indexing.log but I don't know if this is correct
(salmon) [@ws7910 RNAseq]$ salmon quant -i /gencode_v29_idx/indexing.log -l --libType A -1 Treated_1_m1.fastq -2 Treated_1_m2.fastq -p 4 --validateMappings -o salm_treated1
It needs to be adjusted but I don't know what
Thank you for help
Not sure but I don't think that salmon can index gzipped files. Might be anyway best to first gunzip the file and only then index it.Edited
Actually, salmon can accept gzipped FASTA files for reference index creation as well as gzipped FASTA/Q files for quantification. I believe that Morris was able to build the index, but is running into problems while quantifying.
OK, point taken. indeed it does.