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5.9 years ago
can we use WEKA to analyze fasta sequences or any gene sequences perfectly ? and how?
can we use WEKA to analyze fasta sequences or any gene sequences perfectly ? and how?
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Please go through it and edit your two recent questions accordingly. With this low-effort strategy of yours, you do not really motivate people to invest time/effort to help you.
In addition to ATpoints comment, if you want any useful replies it would help for you to tell us what WEKA is, and what you mean by "analyse perfectly" - this seems meaningless to me?
Unless there's a different weka (https://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/), it's a program used for data mining, written in Java.
I don't recall Weka having specific use cases for NGS though, and I'm unsure what "perfectly" means in this context.