Hello everyone! I am pretty new to GATK. And now I face the following problem: I got g.vcf files for my samples produced by HaplotypeCaller and then I want to consolidate GVCFs using GenomicsDBImport which requires interval list and then proceed to GenotypeGVCFs in order to make joint VCF. How can I make the interval list? My object is rapeseed (Brassica oleracea). Many thanks in advance.
If I understand you correctly, you are analyzing your Genotyping-by-sequencing data with GATK? I think it might be prudent to use a reduced-representation analysis method such as
(http://catchenlab.life.illinois.edu/stacks/) oripyrad
(https://ipyrad.readthedocs.io/) for this purpose.Thanks, I will try! And why GATK could be inappropriate for genotyping-by-sequencing technique on your opinion?
I don't think it would be inappropriate for variant-calling per se, but I wonder about the down-stream analysis leading up to GATK variant calling. Others with more knowledge could pipe in if you make a separate thread or quickly Google pros and cons of reduced-representation analysis pipelines versus say the good-ol' GATK best practices. Presumably you have a reference genome that you like to get this far, so I would recommend the reference-based GBS analysis pipeline in