I'm trying to get some entrez
ids from some gene names using biomaRt
In my example below I have 2 genes Igha
and Mlc1
for mus musculus
My version of biomaRt is biomaRt_2.38.0
mart <- useMart(biomart = "ensembl", dataset = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl")
getBM(attributes=c("ensembl_gene_id","mgi_symbol","entrezgene"), values = c("Igha", "Mlc1"), bmHeader = T, filters = "mgi_symbol", mart = mart)
# Gene stable ID MGI symbol NCBI gene ID
#1 ENSMUSG00000095079 Igha NA
#2 ENSMUSG00000035805 Mlc1 170790
I know that some Ensembl gene ID do not have Entrez gene ID ENSEMBL IDs 2 Entrez Gene IDs - what to do if no match?
But in this case, I'm able to find the Entrez gene ID from Ensembl
Which is Refseq Gene ID 238447
Maybe Emily_Ensembl will have an answer :)
So... No enrichment analysis for immunoglobulin genes in mus musculus ? I use enrichPathway which needs entrez gene ids.
Use Entrezdirect.