Hello guys,
I want to split my matrix into several submatrices in order to compute the correlations on theses submatrices.
I created an argument subset
in R which takes into account the number of rows of the matrix.
# get options
option_list = list(
make_option(c("-s", "--subset"), type="character", default=NULL, help="Input file matrix ")
opt_parser= OptionParser(usage = "Usage: %prog -f [FILE]",option_list=option_list, description= "Description:")
opt = parse_args(opt_parser)
My problem is this one : for example, if I want to create submatrices which have 1000 rows each, I don't how to set this argument.
data<-read.table("/home/vipailler/PROJET_M2/raw/truelength2.prok2.uniref2.rares.tsv", h=T, row.names=1, sep="\t")
data=data[(nrow(opt$subset))-999:opt$subset,] ###THE PROBLEM IS HERE###
I use SLURM and arrays to compute 10 submatrices (--array 1-10) .
Normally, I should obtain for the first submatrix :
subset=1*1000 #first array in the slurm code
data=data[1000-999:1000,] #from the 1000-999=1st line to the 1000th line in my R code
But I get an error:
Error in oneOrDataset(X)[, parts, drop = FALSE] : indice hors limites Calls: clr ... gsi.simshape -> oneOrDataset -> gsi.plain -> is.data.frame
Any help to set this subset