Hello, I am using Stringtie tool for quantification purpose, in order to skip 'MSTRG.xx' , this time I have used -e option in the following command
stringtie '/path/to/input_file/inputfile.bam' -G '/path/to/ref/hg38ucsc.gtf' -o output.gtf -p 8 -e -A output_abundance.out
Here I am facing the following warning cum question in the terminal.
Warning: gene "NR_111945" (on chr1) has reference transcripts on both strands?
In my output file, I could find transcript_id NR_111945 and NR_111945_dup1
chr1 hg38_refGene transcript 13094515 13099717 . - . gene_id "NR_111945"; transcript_id "NR_111945"; cov "0.0"; FPKM "0.0"; TPM "0.0";
chr1 hg38_refGene exon 13094515 13095762 . - . gene_id > "NR_111945"; transcript_id "NR_111945"; exon_number "1"; cov "0.0";
chr1 hg38_refGene transcript 13127069 13132274 . + . gene_id "NR_111945"; transcript_id "NR_111945_dup1"; cov "0.0"; FPKM "0.0"; TPM "0.0";
chr1 hg38_refGene exon 13127069 13127146 . + . gene_id "NR_111945"; transcript_id NR_111945_dup1"; exon_number "1"; cov "0.0";
What could be the reason for such duplicates? or is it okay to face such kind of warning? Additionally, what can be done to avoid such kind of warning, if it is not due to Biological characteristics?
Thank you in advance.