I'm interested in having the data shown in the screenshot I include in this post in a text file of some sort, but can't seem to find a way to automatically download it from COSMIC
; I'm interested more than anything in the mutation frequencies shown in the %mutated column. An example of the table I'm trying to fetch can be seen here in the "Tissue-distribution" subsection https://cancer.sanger.ac.uk/cosmic/gene/analysis?ln=APC
I have tried downloading the full positive dataset for the genes I'm interested in (that data one is indeed easily found for download) and filtering just the tissues I want, however this results in more records than those included in the screenshot table. This happens because the information of the table is presented as manually curated data. In the worst case I could just use the non-curated data with quick filters, but I want to see if someone knows a way to actually access a file with the curated data.