I recently used HISAT2 to align my paired-end reads to a reference genome. The command I used was
hisat2 -q -p 4 -x path_to_index -1 reads_1.fastq -2 reads_2.fastq -S out.sam
This produced a SAM file that was ~14 GB and had headers that matched the ones I looked up online for this type of file.
I am having trouble converting my SAM output file to a BAM file using the following command samtools view -bS out.sam > out.bam
. I should mention that the samtools version I am using is 1.4.1 and the syntax should be ok.
The out.bam file is only 45 bytes and when I try to check it with samtools flagstat samtools flagstat out.bam
, I get the following errors:
[W::sam_read1] parse error at line 1
[bam_flagstat_core] Truncated file? Continue anyway.
I have tried looking into this problem but couldn't find an answer that related specifically to my issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Fjodor
Output if
head out.sam
andsamtools view out.bam | head
? Did you use something likenohup
during alignment?Hi, I did not use
. I am running hisat2 on a cluster and I received an output describing the alignment rate (overall alignment ~92%). I did not see other files, like the various .log files you would get if you ran Tophat. The output I get withhead out.sam
is listed below.When I run
samtools view out.bam | head
, I getnote how above you run
which is empty so will, of course, raise an error. See what
I think your BAM file is empty, for whatever reason, you would need to run the conversion again and see why it failed. I think it ran of out "something" and truncated the BAM file but the SAM file should be fine.
You mean samtools sort -o out_sorted.bam out.sam worked for you? My problem is this generated .sam file which contains some alignments but when i ran samtools view -bS out.sam > out.bam both the out.sam and out.bam seem to corrupt the alignments such that nothing is both files
Curious to know how you went straight from samtools sort -o out_sorted.bam out.sam Did you sort bam first and then used sort first? Can you please be more detailed in your solution?
Please open a new question for this if you have trouble after using the search function and reading the manual. If opening a question, please make sure to include all commands you used.