I have a 1 kb amplicon sequenced on Ion Torrent platform that belongs to a virus. Statistics are given below
file virus_genome.fa data.fastq
type DNA DNA
num_seqs 1 60231
sum_len 9181 9416001
min_len 9181 25
avg_len 9181 156.3
max_len 9181 344
I have mapped those reads on to the virus genome using bwa with 88% mapping, but those reads only mapped to around 600-700 bps out of the entire genome. Look at below image from the IGV viewer.
I am wondering why there is no mapping covering the entire 1 kb amplicon; i.e. I am still missing ~ 400bps from my 1kb amplicon. Is it something to do with the wetlab or is it about the mapping (soft clipped bases somewhere) ?
Any help is much appreciated!
That's exactly what I did and unfortunately the assembly is very much fragmented. How can I check read quality outside torrent suite? Would fastqc be suffice for that ?
Read quality is probably not your problem. That region is small, make the consensus manually
Any idea how do I proceed about that ?