I am relatively new to the analysis of sequencing data. I got some sequencing data as a .txt file that seems to have the normal fastq format. Since fastq is a txt file, can I simply rename the files from "myData.txt" to "myData.fastq" or from "myData.txt.gz" to "myData.fastq.gz" without having any issues? Is making it a .fastq file even necessary for downstream analysis or will inputting it as a .txt file e.g. for FastQC or mapping with STAR give exactly the same result? Also, I know that most programs accept fastq.gz files. If .txt and .fastq is kind of the same file format, can I also use .txt.gz as an input for those programs, since unpacking all those files gets a little heavy on my disk space.
Thanks for your help!
Thank you, your answers helped!