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5.9 years ago
I am trying to download raw data from this https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE81442 (GSE81442) microarray experiment.
I am comfortable using SRA but this doesn't have an SRA number.
The reason I need the data is to eventually use it in the MEME suite so if someone has a way to use MEME suite without FASTA files that would work too. Getting the differentially expressed gene IDs is no problem but I don't think MEME suite will accept those like HOMER will.
That study was conducted with an A. thaliana microarray. The raw data comprises CEL files. The link to the raw data is at the bottom of the page:
As @Kevin notes this is not sequence data so there are no fasta files.
Thanks. Was hoping to get the sequence data but I'll have to go from the CEL to get sequences myself.
If you search the Affymetrix / ThermoFisher website for the array type, then you may find a FASTA file of the probe sequences. You cannot have a FASTA file of the measured intensities that are stored in the CEL files, though - that makes no sense.