Hi, guys I use gatk to call variant and get a vcf file. When I look into it, I find some homozygous site with genotype 0/0.
chr2 231861039 . CCT . 793 . AN=2;DP=275;MQ=60.00 GT:AD:DP 0/0:275:275
I think this variant means it same with reference genome. So I don't know why it still been reported by SNP caller software?
what was the command line / version ?
gatk gatk- HaplotypeCaller
nothing special
Is this multiple sample variant calling? If so, then perhaps other samples have 0/1 and 1/1 genotypes if this is a biallelic SNP.
I just use gatk HaplotypeCaller call one sample
Hmmm...well, after looking at your example output, it even shows there is no ALT allele. You could get rid of rows with like that with
awk '$5!="."' OFS='\t' input-vcf-file > new-vcf-file-without-false-variants
or something like that.