At a minimum, you can make a vcf file with the chromosome, start position, ref and alt, which you have. See the full specification to find out more. For a minimally working example, you can format it like so:
20 14370 . G A . . .
The other required fields are replaced with a .
. Here's a way you could convert the input:
$ cat variants.txt \
| sed 's|ins|\t.\t|g' \
| sed -e 's|del\([ACGT]\)|\t\1\t.|g' \
| sed -e 's|\([ACGT]\)>\([ACGT]\)|\t\1\t\2|g' \
| sed 's|:g\.|\t|g' \
| sed 's|_[0-9]\+||g' \
| sed 's|$|\t.\t.\t.|g' \
| awk 'OFS="\t" {print $1,$2,".",$3,$4,$5,$6,$7}'
17 7674180 . C A . . .
17 7675997 . G T . . .
17 7676257 . G A . . .
17 7676088 . G C . . .
17 7676215 . G A . . .
17 7676152 . C . . . .
17 7676381 . C A . . .
17 7670712 . G . . . .
17 7670716 . C G . . .
17 7676264 . . A . . .
Now instead output to a file (e.g. add > example.vcf
at the end of your file) and you should have a VCF file. Some programs might require your to add the header information (lines that start with # in that specification document) so you might have to tweak that a bit.
Thanks Chris. This is the road I'm heading down right now. The only wrinkle would be with the indels of various sizes complicate things. ~Stephen Williams
how did you deal with the indel position? vep seems to return right normalized instead of left