I faced a problem
I am trying to annotate my .vcf
files by annovar
to get maf
as by maf I am able to visualize and do many things. I tried both vcf 4.1
and 4.2
[fi1d18@cyan01 annovar]$ table_annovar.pl my.vcf humandb/ -buildver hg19 -out myanno -remove -protocol refGene,cytoBand,exac03,avsnp147,dbnsfp30a -operation gx,r,f,f,f -nastring . -csvout -polish -xref example/gene_xref.txt
Annovar returns empty annotation
I tried to convert my vcf in annovar but I got
[fi1d18@cyan01 annovar]$ convert2annovar.pl -format vcf4 /tmy.vcf > ex2.avinput WARNING to old ANNOVAR users: this program no longer does line-to-line conversion for multi-sample VCF files. If you want to include all variants in output, use '-format vcf4old' or use '-format vcf4 -allsample -withfreq' instead.
Error: invalid record in VCF file: the GT specifier is not present in the FORMAT string: <1 10445 . A G . LowEVS SOMATIC;QSS=1;TQSS=1;NT=ref;QSS_NT=1;TQSS_NT=1;SGT=AA->AA;DP=562;MQ=23.95;MQ0=232;ReadPosRankSum=0.46;SNVSB=0.00;SomaticEVS=0.10 DP:FDP:SDP:SUBDP:AU:CU:GU:TU 69:29:1:0:38,261:2,14:0,4:0,4 38:16:0:0:20,168:0,7:2,7:0,1>
I tried online annovar says I got the same error
I really need a maf file from my .vcf files
I don't know what is the solution? Converting vcf 4.1 to 4 compatible with annovar?
Any help please?
I don't need VEP itself rather I needed getting maf file for getting mutational visualization but vcf2maf tool needs VEP, I had installed VEP but I was getting this error says fasta file missing from vep