I am trying to align paired-end miRNA-seq data using bowtie, I have tried a number of times using different options, however, it seems like I am doing something wrong. I am getting 0.3-1% alignment rate. I have tried bowtie2 which gave me 96% alignment rate.
I have used the defult options first:
bowtie ~/work/BWA/refrat.fa -p 2 -1 19-8883-R1.fastq -2 19-8883-R2.fastq -S 19-8883.sam 2> 19.log
Also I have used these options: bowtie –q –n 0 –e 80 –l 18 –a –m 5 –best –strata
Also I have used these options: bowtie –q –v 1 –a –m 5 –best –strata
But i kept getting the similar results as follows:
# reads processed: 32291169
# reads with at least one reported alignment: 79980 (0.25%)
# reads that failed to align: 32211189 (99.75%)
Reported 172518 paired-end alignments to 1 output stream(s)
Any suggestions? Thanks
What if you try to align R1 or R2 independently? There might be an issue with insert sizes.
I will try that, If I do that how do I combine the files in the end? is it possible?