Hi everybody, I'm trying to overlap a list of initiation zones from mouse to the mouse genome. The initiation zone looks like this
chr1 10029400 10030599
chr1 10041200 10042599
chr1 10115200 10116199
chr1 10117800 10118799
chr1 102076400 102077399
chr1 10221800 10224199
And the genome was downloaded from USCS http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables
#name chrom strand txStart txEnd cdsStart cdsEnd exonCount exonStarts exonEnds proteinID alignID
ENSMUST00000193812.1 chr1 + 3073252 3074322 3073252 3073252 1 3073252, 3074322, uc287gdb.1
ENSMUST00000082908.1 chr1 + 3102015 3102125 3102015 3102015 1 3102015, 3102125, uc287gdc.1
ENSMUST00000159265.1 chr1 - 3206522 3215632 3206522 3206522 2 3206522,3213438, 3207317,3215632, uc007aet.2
I'm using this command line to get my output: b
bedtools genomecov -d -split -i initiation_zone_sort.bed -g mm10.gencodevm20.txt > mm10.vM20.genomecoverage
But I get this error: Input error: Chromosome chr1 found in your input file but not in your genome file
Any ideas? Thanks!