When generating output of samtools mpileup, I notice there is sudden decrease of coverage at the homopolymer region and went up again at position 250 to 261. I have check with IGV and confirmed that there is no gap /insertion happening around the region. My command is as below:
samtools mpileup -BQ 0 -d 1000000 -a -f ref.fasta foo.bam > foo.mpileup
The output was parsed and the counts were generated as below. The issue to investigate is around position 250 to 261.
**Ref Pos Base A_Count C_Count G_Count T_Count Total_Count**
Sequence 248 C 11 7821 2 0 7834
Sequence 249 T 83 3 4 7112 7202
Sequence 250 C 38 3452 16 10 3516
Sequence 251 A 1354 0 0 1 1355
Sequence 252 A 1283 0 1 0 1284
Sequence 253 A 1239 0 0 0 1239
Sequence 254 A 1154 1 0 0 1155
Sequence 255 A 1085 0 1 0 1086
Sequence 256 A 1054 6 14 1 1075
Sequence 257 A 1131 0 3 1 1135
Sequence 258 A 1209 0 0 2 1211
Sequence 259 A 1351 5 0 0 1356
Sequence 260 A 1526 0 1 0 1527
Sequence 261 A 1567 0 2 0 1569
Sequence 262 G 3 33 7399 6 7441
Sequence 263 A 7955 2 2 1 7960
Sequence 264 A 8043 0 4 0 8047
Sequence 265 A 8014 0 13 0 8027
I was wondering what filtering options of mpileup could have resulted in less count for homopolymer region. Thanks.