Hello everyone!
I would like to convert hg19 coordinates to hg38 coordinates. The problem is that I don’t really have much informations in order to do so.
For example: The gene KLHL7 in hg19 the start is 23 145 353 and the end is 23 217 533. In hg38 the start is 23 105 758 and the end is 23 177 916. I’ve succeeded to convert the start and the end of a gene. Now I want to convert the position 23 195 610 of the gene KLHL7 in hg19 to hg38. But I don’t really know how to do that with that much information.
Can someone help me please ? Thank you for any suggestions!!!
I don't think that i've explain correctly my problem.
I've only one coordinate (in this example : 23 195 610) that is in the middle on the gene. I can't seem to use Liftover with only one coordinate
just do chr?: 23195610-23195610