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5.8 years ago
I have computed regression coefficients between mRNA expression values (Y) and methylation features (X).
So, I have a rectangular matrix with regression coefficients signifying the influence of Y features on X.
My query is, can I perform Euclidean measurement on the regression coefficients/beta matrix, in order to get a square matrix?
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Reddy Rani V.
Hi Reddy - interesting work. It would be interesting to see the distribution of the beta coefficients via a histogram. You don't have to post here, but which distribution does it follow when you generate it? Also, are you not just interested in the coefficients that have a statistically significant p-value?
Dear Kevin,
Thanks for the reply.
Yes, I am interested in beta coefficients. But, for example, if I would like to study similar behavior of mRNA genes alone. Can I compute Euclidean measurement of the beta matrix to get an N x N matrix from my M x N beta matrix?
Reddy rani V.
You can do that but I am not sure where you are going with that line of analysis. It is certainly an interesting start to what is a multi-omics analysis, though.
Dear Dr. Kevin,
I am interested to create a network and study the associations of the genes. So, can I still consider gene-gene associations of mRNA features as multi-omics in this case as I started it with regression coefficients?
Thanks a bunch.
Regards, Reddy Rani V.
Oh, you are only doing a network analysis? You can do anything that you want with your own data, but you have to be careful about what it means, biologically. A 'network' constructed from Euclidean distances is essentially a different representation of a dendrogram / tree. You may have to think for a while about what it means when you construct a dendrogram / network using beta coefficients.
Dear Dr. Kevin,
Thanks for the suggestions, it is really helpful for our research.
Reddy Rani V.