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13.2 years ago
Tianyang Li
There's a previous question about bioinformatics libraries in C/C++. Most of the answers were C++ libraries.
I'd like to do some lightweight development using C instead of C++, which I think is a bit too complicated (especially when it comes to good memory management).
Are there any good suggestions? Thanks.
I disagree that C++ is more complicated for memory management. They have all of the STL data structures plus destructors are automatically called when an object passes out of scope. With C you have to remember to free everything you allocate yourself.
I think you'll find that general purpose bioinformatics libraries in C are hard to come by. If you know, specifically, what you want to do, that might help folks answer better.
related: http://biostar.stackexchange.com/questions/1516
Why not choose a high level language then?