I've currently obtained a list of DEG datasets using Hisat2-StringTie-FeatureCounts-DeSeq2 method. The next stage of my project is pathway analysis to determine significantly upregulated and downregulated pathways for my disease model when they were treated compared to untreated. My institute does not hold a licence for Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software and I was just enquiring for free alternatives to use? I've read posts that iPathway Guide is free, but read for the experiment it costs $149 to use. I was just wondering if anyone who has used iPathway Guide in the past could clarify how it works to use it in regards to either being free or costing?
Kind regards Joe
Something like this one ? https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/ReactomePA/inst/doc/ReactomePA.html
Kind of, I'm more looking for an interactive one than coding based.
Well https://reactome.org/
personally I find genecodis3 a good one because includes several tools altogether, I would suggest to try more than one