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7.7 years ago
I'm assembling pair-end RNA-seq using Trinity v2.4.0. Other options : --seqType fq --max_memory 30G --samples_file WT_samples.txt --CPU 16 --output WT_Trinity_out --full_cleanup
I have some problem during inchworm. When i'm running trinity, it don't work during inchworm step (just stop) and cannot see any error command.
--------------- Inchworm ---------------------
-- (Linear contig construction from k-mers) --
- Running CMD: /home/ngan/.compiz/Installed_software/Trinity/trinityrnaseq-Trinity-v2.4.0/Inchworm/bin//inchworm --kmers jellyfish.kmers.fa --run_inchworm -K 25 -L 25 --monitor 1 --DS --num_threads 6 --PARALLEL_IWORM > /drive2/Seojeong/kim/2.trinity/WT/WT_Trinity_out/inchworm.K25.L25.DS.fa.tmp
It don't say any error command and just stop. so i cannot know what's the problem. how can i solve this problem?
did you solve this problem?