You could use bedops --partition
to make disjoint elements from overlapping regions, and bedmap --mean
(or --min
, --max
, etc.) to get a unique signal value for each disjoint element.
$ bedops --partition diff.bed5 > diff.partition.bed3
$ bedmap --echo --mean --delim '\t' diff.partition.bed3 diff.bed5 >
To skip creating an intermediate file, use file streams:
$ bedops --partition diff.bed5 | bedmap --echo --mean --delim '\t' - diff.bed5 >
The file extension .bedgraph
indicates that the file is four columns, the first three columns being each disjoint element, and the fourth column representing the mean signal over that disjoint element.
If you don't want the mean signal, you can replace --mean
with other statistical/score operations. See bedmap --help
for more detail.
Finally, you can use Kent utilities to convert the bedgraph file to bigWig, and from there convert from bigWig to wig:
$ fetchChromSizes hg38 > hg38.sizes
$ bedGraphToBigWig hg38.sizes
$ bigWigToWig
Replace hg38
with the name of whatever assembly you are using, if it is not hg38
If you are doing visualization with the UCSC genome browser, you can skip creating a wig file and just use the bigWig file directly. The bigWig file is smaller and optimized for viewing at different scales.
I would not do that in R. Use
bedtools genomecov
to get a bedGraph. bedGraph can then be transformed into wig or bigwig. I personally like bigwig as it is a binary (=compressed version).Bedgraph To Wig
Thank you so very much for your help. I will go try it but do you think in bedtools there is no problem with overlaps?
Not that I know of.