There are a lot of ways to do this, GATK is popular and good for somatic mutations but also over complicated at some steps. I still use it for somatic mutation discovery as discussed here : Best tool for variant calling
Commun steps are :
1) Check reads quality : fastQC/multiQC, fastp
2) Alignment : BWA performs well, can use Bowtie2 too
3) Remove the unmapped, low quality mapping, supplementary alignment, non primary, alternatives...
4) Check duplication level : Mark duplicates with Picard tools. Take a look at your duplicates ratio + take a look at the duplicate behaviour inside IGV. If you have cluster of duplicates on an exact same read it is probably PCR duplicate whereas if duplicates are not clustered and spread on multiple reads it is more probably biological duplicates. So, if you are in case one, better remove them, if you're in case two better keep them, in my opinion. If you are in amplicon you will have a lot of clustered duplicates due to the amplicon size so keep them.
5) Stuff before variant calling : Here it depends of the tool you use, using GATK you have a lot of steps to proceed before variant calling, like recalling bases, creating panel of normal, creating white list variants...
6) Calling variant : Read publication trying to find the tool you need with the informations you have, Mutect2, bcftools, haplotycaller, freebayes... I suggest you to try some of them pick some good quality variant and go check them by eyes in IGV, seen which tool as the best results on your data
7) Filtering VCF : Filter your vcf according to the filters you want (genotype, depth, ration ref/alt, LOD score, quality...)
8) Annotate VCF : You can annotate your vcf with different software and database like Annovar, SnpEff/SnpSift, Variant Effect Predictor from Ensembl...
You may want to check the docker hub from iontorrent
They have the latest software in containers and ready to use. You don't need to have access to a seperate server if you have plenty of desktop horsepower for this. Their documentation is also good.
Thank for your answer - I didn't know about kind of standalond version of iontorrent software. It really good to know for the future. But I have checked and for this exact project I cannot use manufacturer's software. I need to deal with the date using tools like bwa of GATK.
What species are you working on ? Are you looking for somatics, germlines or both mutation types ?
There are human samples, mostly from cancer tissue. Thus I want to find but germline and somatic mutations.